Thanks Brion for your Help. The only thing that I don`t undestand is Why the GRoup thing exist??? hehe
But, Thanks anyway. =D
Brion Vibber wrote:
Jeferson Pessoa Santana wrote:
I installed the mediawiki 1.5rc4 and I'm having some problems with the User Rights Management feature. I added some groups in the Localsetting.php but I don't know how to restrict some pages for these groups. Example:
I added these lines to my LocalSettings.php:
$wgGroupPermissions = array ("Main Page", "Special:Blockip", "Special:Userlogin" );
Well, that's going to break everything right there. Why did you do that?
$wgGroupPermissions['aplications']['edit'] = true; $wgGroupPermissions['aplications']['move'] = false; $wgGroupPermissions['aplications']['read'] = true;
I'm following the instructions found on the ./includes/Defaultsettings.php file and I'm not certain about the line that I added:
$wgGroupPermissions = array ("Main Page", "Special:Blockip", "Special:Userlogin" );
I want that the Aplications Group only view and edit the Main Page, Special:Blockip and the Special:Userlogin page.
There's no support for anything like that. All pages are visible to everyone at all times, unless you set up the global read whitelist, which applies equally to those without read permssiion. If you are stuck there, you can't edit or perform any other actions than view of those whitelisted pages.
MediaWiki is *not* designed for complex restricted read access. If you require this you should use software designed for it.
-- brion vibber (brion @
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