I am trying to create a 3-wiki site, http://www.treekee.com where each wiki is a separate language, and I would like to have a single place to keep all images. I have read the pages on mediawiki.org about shared upload directories, for example: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:%24wgSharedUploadDirectory
What I don't quite understand is: do I need to allow each site to have access to each others directories? That is, must I set up apache for each site to point to a root which will include each of the other sites?
Let me try and explain. Please try and follow! I will show the current setup with two languages, en and fr.
Each wiki is defined in the "w" directory below for the given language: /tee/ /tee/en/ /tee/en/w/ /tee/fr/ /tee/fr/w/
The web server is told that the directory root for that website is the language directory, i.e. http://en.treekee.com/ has the root directory "/tee/en" (I actually redirect here with an .htaccess file from "w" to "wiki") http://fr.treekee.com/ has the root directory "/tee/fr"
Now, I imagine, that a shared directory should be something like: /tee/shared/
HOWEVER, and this is the question, how can I give each of the sites access to this? I cannot simply say that the directory is "/tee/shared/" since to the "en.treekee.com" website the root directory is "en" and cannot go higher in the directory structure. It will not be allowed access to a directory outside its root.
Do I therefore have to say that each site has the root directory "tee" and within that set things up so that the index.php file is found in, for example, "tee/en/w".
Thanks for any help on this.