J. Bakshi wrote:
Dear list,
This is the very first time, I have installed a wiki and it is mediawiki. php- 5.2 Apache 2 Mysql 5 mediawiki - 1.13.3
1> I am looking for such an arrangement when a user ( sysop ? ) can create/delete the accounts with other system operation. I have already disable the account creation by
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
But how can I create sysop user ?
2> Is it possible to just make a confirmation arrangement , so that I can enable the account creation and sysop can then confirm or cancel the account creation ?
Please suggest
I got it :-)
The account which I created during the installation is the sysop. Please correct me if I am wrong. and under special pages there is the option to create account.
But how can I control the account creation confirmation if I allow all to create an account ? I like to have the control to confirm or reject any request.
Please enlighten me. Thanks