The Uploads directory needs write access to the public; during installation, so does the Config directory, but be sure to make it read only after installation is done. As /var/www is the web root (as I understand it under Linux), you might want to consider a subdirectory, e.g. /var/www/wiki; although, if the wiki is going to be the only thing on that web server, then that isn't a pressing consideration.
Rob Church
On 13/09/05, Javier Lázaro wrote:
Hello everybody.
I have a mediawiki installation in a linux (Debian). I would like to know which permission must have the mediawiki code (the php files). The root is the owner of all the php files, except LocalSettings.php which has 640 privilege and www-data as its owner, and the image directory with 666 privilege and www-data, too. It works well right now, but i would like to know if i am wrong, or something could be better.
And which is the best directory to make the installation?? /var/www/... o another one else??
Thanks very much!!
-- Javier Lázaro Jareño Secretariado de Nuevas Tecnologías y Recursos Virtuales Vicerrectorado de Nuevas Tecnologías y Política
Universidad de Extremadura Plaza Caldereros S/N Edificio Rectorado 10071 - Cáceres (Cáceres) España Extensión: 1110, 7250
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