And while we're pitching, I like my version, which allows for alternate layout engines and automatic text flowing:
I'm working with the Graphviz folks to figure out how to have the automatic linking feature mentioned by Tom be the default, rather than require an additional line to each use. They told me one way (command line switch), but the first cut isn't working. When I get it working, I'll roll it into the version available above and announce to this list.
On 25 Mar 2005, at 14:59, Thomas Gries wrote:
UPDATE: [3] shows, how all nodes <nodename> can automatically be linked to e.g.<nodename> w/o codechanges on graphviz software.
I recently came across Vic's extension package [1] which allows visualisation by using the graphviz/dot package. Would like to ask, whether this can be enabled on all wikis. I can only support this. Tom
[1] [2] [3] Graphviz_extension#How_to_make_autolinks_.28all_nodes.29
:::: Given an infinite source of energy, population growth still produces an inescapable problem. The problem of the acquisition of energy is replaced by the problem of its dissipation. -- Garrett Hardin :::: Jan Steinman