For most cases, the vast majority of a wiki's traffic is from non-logged in users. All kinds of caches should then work in a way where the page does not have to be rendered again with PHP. An example is Mediawiki's File caching system: It's commonly known that PHP files take a lot more CPU than static content and this is also the concept behind MW's File caching system. My situation: I'm on a shared server where they don't want me to go above certain CPU limits (cpu seconds/per hour). I'm not able to install Squid, APC or memcached. Lately I've been having problems with CPU usage due to traffic surges and malicious bots. I don't want to spend more money on hosting if I don't have to but that option is open if the server company thinks I should upgrade. I want to be a good client and not effect other users on the server.
Here's a problem I see with MW's File caching system. It still processes PHP files, e.g. here's some actual lines of code from my wiki's page when it loads a page from the File caching system. Wikipedia also loads these PHP files, thus increasing CPU usage: ------------ <link rel="stylesheet" href="*load.php*?debug=false&lang=en&modules=site&only=styles&skin=vector&*" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="*load.php*?debug=false&lang=en&modules=ext.flaggedRevs.basic%7Cmediawiki.legacy.commonPrint%2Cshared%7Cskins.vector&only=styles&skin=vector&*" /> <script src="*load.php* ?debug=false&lang=en&modules=skins.vector&only=scripts&skin=vector&*"></script> <script src="*load.php* ?debug=false&lang=en&modules=site&only=scripts&skin=vector&*"></script> ------------ To confirm this, I have seen the static HTML file generated by the cache, and these lines are present in the HTML code that is viewed from the browser or an HTML editor. So load.php is being made to run at least 4 times during each page load. It may be 3 times for my site if Flagged revisions wasnt installed, but again, Wikipedia has similiar lines of code which make multiple calls to Load.php. Yesterday I had a huge traffic spike and the server process scan confirmed that Load.php was running a lot of times. If three pages are loaded at about the same time, that means 12 calls to Load.php. I've also compared situations where I wasn't using any cache and where I was using the File cache, and I didn't see any noticeable difference in the CPU usage.
So I think MW's File caching system should be improved so that no PHP processing is required at all for non-logged users. After all, the same exact copy of the page is going to be served to non-logged in users so it makes sense to have 100% of that content static so it doesn't require any PHP processing at all. The only time PHP should run is when content changes. That should refresh the cache and regenerate the static content. In my case, I also have a mobile skin so I've modified LocalSettings.php to use the Mobile cache directory if its a mobile user so I have two different sets of cache, one for the computer screen and another for mobile users.
I know this isn't a problem for Wikipedia because they have a lot of servers and have additional great caching systems (squid, memcached, etc) so everything is fast.But I'm thinking if those calls to Load.php were cut down, it would make it possible for Wikipedia to use less servers and would also make everyone else's sites run faster. In any case, PHP processing should be used minimally, only when necessary. If the page had no calls to PHP files, it would use less CPU and again, if the same page is being served to non-logged in users, ideally there should be no or very little PHP processing.
Any thoughts from the developers? Is it possible to modify the File caching system to eliminate calls to Load.php, so more of the content served is static?
thanks Dan