Rob Church wrote:
That must have been changed somewhat recently, then.
Incidentally, if a user who isn't logged in does have upload rights, there may be issues with the upload log, since the logging table doesn't have a log_user_text counterpart to store the IP address.
Indeed :) I had some fun with that a while ago -- it may be a good idea to add a "log_user_text" field, as many extensions (and, in fact, some configurations such as allowing anons to upload) could benefit from the ability to log anonymous actions. It is rather inconsistent to have that field in recentchanges but not in logging -- the result is that the logging entry will appear with an IP addy at Special:Recentchanges but not at Special:Log.
- -- Daniel Cannon (AmiDaniel)
http://amidaniel.com cannon.danielc@gmail.com