Hello, I installed MediaWiki using yum. The web based config gave me no errors and the db was populated just fine. The problem is that when i browse http://mail.deathstar.net/wiki/ , my page is broken with no images and no cool layout. I just get a white background thing with some formatted text.
I did a view src and: -------------- <a style="background-image: url(wiki/skins/common/images/wiki.png);" href="wiki/index.php/Main_Page" title="Visit the Main Page ------------------ Note that wiki/skins.. does not lie under my Apache DocumentRoot. Why is the PHP generating a link like that?
I have a default apache install with: LoadModule php5_module modules/libphp5.so Apache: DocumentRoot "/var/www/"
My /var/www/wiki/LocalSettings.php contains: if( defined( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) ) { $IP = MW_INSTALL_PATH;
} else { $IP = '/usr/share/mediawiki'; }
$wgScriptPath = "wiki"; (because this should be relative to my Apache DocumentRoot [URL base path]) -------------------------------------------------------
Could someone help me figure out what needs to be done to gett his to work?? Should i create an Apache Alias for wiki/skins ??