Hello.. I am successfully running VisualEditor 0.1.0 (93528b7) on MW 1.28.2 but I don't know the exact version of the Parsoid service I am using nor do I know how to confirm that I have npm installed (not sure if that's even required for me).. I just know that I slugged through a lot of things that were new to me in getting to this point.
I know MW communicates Apache, PHP and the Database elements on the version page (along with the extensions), but I don't see anything there about Parsoid and/or NPM.. is that something that might be added someday as VisualEditor becomes more ubiquitous with MW?
In the meantime, I have put together a handy little script that gets all the versions of the other core elements that I need to pay attention to. It is as follows: cat /etc/redhat-release httpd -v php -v mysql -V
I was wondering, are there commands that I could add to this list that would report Parsoid and NPM?
I have tried "npm --version" but this results in "bash: npm: command not found" so I'm not sure npm is needed
Any thoughts on how to definitively get the Parsoid service version from the cli?
Thank you. -Rich