Brion, thanks for the response.
There was a typo in the updater code which caused it to attempt to add fields that were already present.
Change this line in maintenance/
array( 'site_stats', 'ss_total_articles',
'patch-ss_total_articles.sql' ),
array( 'site_stats', 'ss_total_pages',
'patch-ss_total_articles.sql' ),
The only reference in that I can find is
array( 'site_stats', 'ss_total_articles', 'patch-ss_total_articles.sql' ),
and there's no "-" associated with it (that's the entire line from the creation of the array named "$wgNewFields "). I must be missing something obvious. (I'm just a suit, not a programmer...sorry.)
If this typo has been corrected in the maintenance update, perhaps I should simply download that and run it?
John Wills Lloyd, Ph.D. Professor and Chief Technology Officer U.Va. Curry School of Education