Thanx for the quick solution - it works perfectly, - only has the slight disadvantage of needing to be updated with new updates of MW.
Trawling the special pages, I've found a curious behaviour in this page of the wiki :
All the pages get a yellow background when hovering with the mouse on this page. Could this have something to do with my special css-customizations or is it a bug? Can anyone reproduce this ? Is there an easy way to fix this?
Morten :-)
Anders Wegge Jakobsen wrote:
"Morten" == Morten Blaabjerg writes:
Is there a simple way to remove items from the list of special pages (in MW v1.4 beta5) ? Can something from specialpage.php be manipulated or maybe put into localsettings for customization?
Invisible or unusable?
In any case, modify includes/SpecialPage.php. Change new SpecialPage to new UnlistedSpecialPage to make pages invisible, and add a second parameter "sysop" to the pages you want to be unusable for normal users.
-- /Wegge echo mail: !#^."<>"|tr "<> mail:" dk@wegge - Invitationer på FCFS basis
-- Crews Cut Community
Morten Blaabjerg Dronningensgade 4B, DK-5000 Odense C. Tlf. +45 65 90 60 88