jidanni@jidanni.org wrote:
No wonder RSS replays every day on smaller wikis: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20601 (Do not put "diff generator" comments into feeds) You won't be affected on larger wikis, but with wikis with just a couple of changes a week, you'll go out of your mind... can someone please implement the fix?
I think the bug may be misstated. The changing "diff generator" comment should not be a problem at all. The problem you have is most probably caused by bug 7346[1]. While that bug is not fixed, I'd suggest you to switch to the Atom feed, which do have an ID string (and a proper 'updated' tag). If you still have problems using the Atom feed, then the problem is in your reader.
RSS feeds have too many problems, and I'd avoid them whenever possible. The only date information available for entries is <pubDate>, which represents the "publication" date, i.e., when the entry was made available. For a wiki or any other dataset that may have constant updates this is hopelessly inadequate, and thus readers have to use very unreliable tricks like checksumming the contents of the <description> tag to detect updates.
Atom feeds, on the other hand, has both <published> and <updated> tags for every entry, so readers are provided with enough information about when the item was published, and if/when it was last updated. The default Mediawiki feed implementation uses the <updated> tags in Atom feeds, which in RecentChanges is the date that event occurred (and does not change).
If you still insist in using RSS feeds, I give you an option: As part of creating one of my extensions[2], I had to create enhanced feed classes for MediaWiki, since the ones in includes/Feed.php were inadequate to my needs. I also created a compatibility layer that replaces MediaWiki feeds with these enhanced ones, and it includes the <guid> element in the resulting RSS feeds. If you want to try, install the extension and configure it like this:
require_once( 'extensions/Wikilog/WlFeed.php' ); WlFeed::$cfgOverride = true;
Tell me if this solves your problem.
Regards, Juliano.
[1]: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7346 [2]: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Wikilog