I'm new to MediaWiki as well but I'd handle this by doing an extension http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Mediawiki_Extensions
Perhaps write a generic one that'd allow anyone to do this.
But I'll be interested to see others responses.
On 5/6/05, Graeme Canivet gjcanive@uwaterloo.ca wrote:
I'm new to Wikipedia. My biggest frustration is that in order to find help, you have to look in many different areas. Editing help is best found on Wikipedia.org http://Wikipedia.org and Server Admin is best found on wikimedia.org http://wikimedia.org.
Anyways, I was wondering if anyone knows how to use system messages. For instance, there is a system message "googlesearch". If I simply put {{googlesearch}} it obviously doesn't get interpretted properly.
This also begs another question. If I want to add my own JavaScript and/or Flash properties, how would I do this. In wikimedia I cannot find the method that ignores wikimedia so that I can properly define JavaScript/Flash blocks of code?
Thank you, Graeme.
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