Hi there,
Sorry for some of the lame questions, but I would appreciate any responses (personal, or to the list). I¹m trying to do a comparative analysis of the MediaWiki engine, to decide if it¹s right for our project. I¹m finding some information, but getting these answers in more laymens terms would be extremely helpful.
I¹ve seen a couple MediaWiki pages regarding WYSIWYG editors (i.e. FCKeditor). I¹m curious how this would change with the release of version MediaWiki 1.6. Is there any talk of eventually integrating this into MediaWIki (and if not, an explanation would be choice). ;)
Another question would be if it is even possible to access stuff from a MediaWiki wiki through an API on phpWiki? (i.e. Using phpWiki and getting stuff from Wikipedia).
Thank you very much. Roger
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