Thank you very much, I will try it. Respecfully, Nevio
2010/5/23 Adam Meyer
You can do this, but you will need to know php to attempt this.
In your custom skin, (or monobook.php skin file) you can override the function to do this.
Directly under where you define all the parameters of the skin
class mySkin extends SkinTemplate {
function initPage( OutputPage $out ) { parent::initPage( $out ); $this->skinname = 'mySkin'; $this->stylename = 'mySkin'; $this->template = 'mySkinTemplate'; }
function tocList($toc) { global $wgJsMimeType; $title = wfMsgHtml('toc') ; return = '<table id="toc" class="toc" summary="' . $title
.'"><tr><td>' . '<div id="toctitle"><h2>' . $title . "</h2></div>\n" . $toc # no trailing newline, script should not be wrapped in a # paragraph . "</ul>\n</td></tr></table>" . '<script type="' . $wgJsMimeType . '">' . ' if (window.showTocToggle) {' . ' var tocShowText = "' . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg('showtoc') ) . '";' . ' var tocHideText = "' . Xml::escapeJsString( wfMsg('hidetoc') ) . '";' . ' showTocToggle();' . ' } ' . "</script>\n"; }
This will over ride the TOC making function. You just need to tweak this to work better for your needs (that is the standard look).
I think you would need to do some sort of loop, to make the 4 columns.
On May 23, 2010, at 2:35 PM, nevio carlos de alarcão wrote:
Hi, on the poetry wiki I administer, we do need a list of poets in alphabetical order. To make it more comfortable to the reader, would be preferable a table of contents into four columns, instead of just one
column. Is it doable? thank for any help. Regards, Nevio
2010/5/22 nevio carlos de alarcão
Hi Dear, how to make a table of contents in four columns? Thanks for
help. Nevio
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