That's a great idea. But now we are back to an even more fundamental difficulty. I'm trying to convert users from their current paradigm of sharing information via attached WORD DOCs in email to large lists of readers, to keeping their shared documents in the wiki. The barest hint of trying to learn any new markup is a stumbling block to begin with. Attempting to enforce semantic markup conventions in a random group of users seems impossible without a dedicated team of annotators.
It is really tough trying to get folks to share information.
Kimon Andreou wrote:
I agree. That's why I'm anxiously awaiting the stable release of SemanticWiki ( If you're not running a production system, you may want to use the current release candidate
On 12/7/07, Hiram Clawson wrote:
Good Morning MW Fans:
Does anyone have any pointers to discussions of how to properly organize a wiki so that things can be found easily by users ? I'm getting the impression one needs to have special wiki pages to act as content guides to various subjects in the wiki. The category system seems to break down rapidly as categories proliferate, or articles become too numerous in a single category.
--Hiram -