On 9/20/05, Bass, Joshua L joshua.l.bass@lmco.com wrote:
How can I allow users to have subpages? Currently only sysops can make User: subpages. I couldn't find a setting to allow this.
Mediawiki 1.5
On 20/09/05, Jared Brown jaredbrown@gmail.com wrote:
To enable subpages for a namespace copy the wg enable sub pages array constructor from DefaultSettings.php and copy it to LocalSettings.php then set the 0's to 1's.
But that shouldn't affect people ability to actually *create* the pages, only whether they're treated specially. Besides, NS_USER is set to "true" by default anyway.
Maybe a setting *has* been added, perhaps for a different purpose but in some kind of bodged way. (/me goes off and looks through DefaultSettings.php for any likely candidates...) Hm, can't see anything, unless you've done anything odd...
I can't actually think of a situation where it requires a sysop to create *any* page, unless only they can edit. Much less a reason why [[User:Foo]] should be fine, but [[User:Foo/bar]] restricted, as you seem to be implying...