uv22e22 wrote:
Thank you Kim!
The same thing is on gmane.org
I asked friendly and serious several times to delete some messages which include my personal name. They did not anzwer one mail.
Be sure you follow the directions at: http://gmane.org/expiry.php
I believe, gmane.orgis a kind of criminal institution. There is no disclaimer on the website, no friendly ask for a removement of mails is anzwered. They post everything on the web and ignore the peoples demands. If I would be a sweden citizen, I defenetly would take legal action against these kids!
Since having your posts archived offends you so much, I've taken the liberty of unsubscribing you from this list, which is a public list with public archives.
(Apparently you forgot to do this after proclaiming that you "will defenetly unsubscribe from now on" on December 28)
I've also gone ahead and put you on the list of blocked subscribers, so you won't accidentally get resubscribed somehow (which would allow you to send posts, which would be archived publicly).
If you change your mind and decide to become involved in public mailing lists again, e-mail me directly and I'll be happy to resubscribe you.
- -- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com / brion @ wikimedia.org)