Am Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2007 21:48 schrieb Rob Church:
On 17/05/07, Klaus Becker wrote:
that's why I put this question: I first installed MW 1.9.3 in german, but the final version has to be french. So for image location, I wrote "Bild" and I want "Image" instead now. I hoped a script would do this for me, but after changing $wgLanguageCode in french, there is always "Bild" and images are not found of course. Must I really change every "Bild" in "Image" manually ?
Add the following line to LocalSettings.php:
$wgNamespaceAliases["Bild"] = NS_IMAGE;
You'll need to purge the cache of affected pages, but with a LocalSettings.php file generated with a modern version of MediaWiki, this will be done when editing that file.
that works, fine !
Rob Church