Don't think that's the problem. Comparing the HTML for Vector vs my Vector-derived skin:
<input id="searchInput" accesskey="f" title="Search EcoliWiki [ctrl-f]" name="search" tabindex="1" placeholder="Search" autocomplete="off">
<input id="searchInput" accesskey="f" title="Search EcoliWiki [ctrl-f]" name="search" autocomplete="off">
I don't understand why Foobar didn't get the extra attributes when it's a direct copy of Vector. But I modified the code in Foobar.php to add the missing attributes
<?php echo $this->makeSearchInput( array( 'id' => 'searchInput', 'type' => 'text', 'placeholder'=>'Search', 'tabindex'=>'1' ) ); ?>
Now I get
<input id="searchInput" tabindex="1" placeholder="Search" accesskey="f" title="Search EcoliWiki [ctrl-f]" name="search" autocomplete="off">
Still doesn't work. I get an autosuggest in a scroll box but not the "containing__" option.
So far this is on my laptop. I'll deploy this on a public site and repost here. I can always hope it's something odd about my MacBook.
On May 30, 2013, at 10:41 AM, Bartosz DziewoĆski wrote:
On Thu, 30 May 2013 15:54:59 +0200, Jim Hu wrote:
Using 1.19.2 and following
The search box no longer has the "containing..." option on the bottom. I'd actually like to not just get that back, but also add an option to send the query to an external search. But first I want to get "containing" back. Anyone know what I did wrong?
The <input> element has to have id="searchInput".
-- Matma Rex
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===================================== Jim Hu Professor Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics 2128 TAMU Texas A&M Univ. College Station, TX 77843-2128 979-862-4054