Mathias Conradt schrieb:
Hi Michael,
we have done some extension using prototype, whereas the extension itself is implemented as a Special Page, accessing and using the db-connection of the Wiki.
We put the js-include in the execute-function of the Special Page like this:
$wgOut->addScript('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$path.'extensions/compilation/prototype.js"></script>');
Regards, Mathias
On 9/12/07, Michael Heyder wrote:
hard problems hitting me. I have to use the prototype framework in some extensions but I've no idea to handle this. I need a seperate php-File which handels the requests but also i need db-connection and tite and article objects.
so how can this be implemented.
best regards mic
MediaWiki-l mailing list
thats obviously clear ... but
var myAjax = new Ajax.Request('/wiki/extensions/NewArticleWizard/Response.php', { method: 'post', postBody: 'title='+elem1.value, onSuccess: function(e) { $('edit_title').innerHTML= e.responseText;
} }); return false; }
so the response.php handels the response for the request. So in this file I need db-connection and title & article objects. Thats my problem