Hello, may I interrupt with one last inquiry. I'm seeing that is list is geared for the more advanced wiki user -- clearly the wrong place for the newbe -- so I'll unsubscribe soon after receiving responses to this missive. With that noted, could someone in the community/forum please point me to a good written guide on learning to use mediawiki from a beginner's stand point? Thanks in advance! -- RF
PS, I'm a highly-motivated self-learner, so I won't be wasting your time, and I have good experience teaching myself to use complicated software.
PSS, encouraging newbees from outside the circumscribed field of current MediaWiki users (and Mediawiki-l members) might be beneficial, in the sense that you would bring new problem-solvers into the fold, perhaps spawning some creative solutions not otherwise fielded. I hypothesize that within a short time-frame, the quality of the additional voices would exceed the (initial) noise we would bring to the forum.