svn diff -r HEAD
That'll give you the diff between your copy and head. Which svn up will update to.
Though, do note that the output will be rather large, and hard to read on prompt. With all the -'s and +'s I doubt it'll be to useful for doing updates.
~Daniel Friesen(Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) of: -The Nadir-Point Group ( --It's Wiki-Tools subgroup ( --The ElectronicMe project ( --Games-G.P.S. ( -And Wikia ACG on ( --Animepedia ( --Narutopedia (
The Gadget Doctor wrote:
I know that this list is Mediawiki but I feel at home here and I'm sure someone knows the answer to this.
I'm using SVN now to manage Mediawiki and, once one gets over the learning curve, its tremendous.
I know that I can update to the latest version with the (scarily brief and powerful "svn up") but I'm looking for something that will tell me exactly what files will change before I issue that command. I would also like to be able to see what would happen if I gave the command "svn sw" and switched to another branch.
I've looked at "svn st" and "svn info" but can't seem to find something that basically runs "svn up" without actually updating anything!
Anyone or should I go and get friendly on the SVN boards?