Rowan Collins wrote:
On 26/04/06, Frames Project wrote:
How to avoid a table to "migrate" to the bottom of the displayed Page and stay where it has been written ? I read the manual and saw nothing about this. Thanks F. Colonna
Hi, I think you'll have to be more specific about the problem before anyone will be able to help. If the page you're trying to edit is on a public site, please provide a link for people to look at; if not, perhaps you could copy it to an appropriate space (such as a sandbox) on a public site and post that link.
-- Rowan Collins BSc [IMSoP]
sure, here is the link to the page:
while the table of the 3 images is written in "UML Diagrams" paragraph, the tables are diplayed at the bottom of the page not just below "UML Diagrams".
I am using Mozilla.
François Colonna