okay, I've head enough headaches, now I'm asking:
I've got a recent CVS-version, I did an install with an older copy, I'm running a recent apache and php4 on a recent Debian unstable, and I'm freaking out. The latter has at least a little bit to do with mediawiki.
Main problem: I set the language to german, and the messages are in german - but all umlauts (read: special characters) are encoded ISO-8859-1; while mediawiki (correctly, in my opinion) thinks and tells (via meta http-equiv) we're using UTF-8 - overriding Apache/PHP saying we're doing ISO-8859-1 .. a little bit shizophrenic after all.
I've had a look at LanguageDe.php, and (almost, looks like a bug) all characters there are UTF-8-encoded .. the characters in de.lang aren't, but this doesn't seem to matter too much? I don't know.
I tried chaning LanguageDe.php and running rebuildMessages.php, and get warnings as well as errors:
---- 8< ----
apache:/var/www/slop.flatline.de/fswiki/maintenance# php4 rebuildMessages.php
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/slop.flatline.de/fswiki/includes/User.php on line 90
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/slop.flatline.de/fswiki/includes/User.php on line 90
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/slop.flatline.de/fswiki/includes/User.php on line 90
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/slop.flatline.de/fswiki/includes/Setup.php on line 250
Fatal error: Undefined class name 'database' in /var/www/slop.flatline.de/fswiki/includes/LoadBalancer.php on line 151
---- >8 ----
.. adding require_once("Database.php"); to LoadBalancer.php fixes the error and allows me to run the script - I choose '2', delete old messages and rebuild them from scratch. changes NOTHING, not even a text I changed completely. quite frustrating.
So, my questions:
- where could the problem with ISO-8859-1 characters in an UTF-8 page come from? I guess it's ISO-8859-1 characters in the database. - how could I backup _only_ the pages from the database and scrap everything else, so I could start with a freshly generated database? - how can I customize other things? i.e. the menues, the picture, stuff like that ...
while I understand mediawiki is designed for wikipedia some documentation for these tasks might be deemed helpful by other users running their own wikis, too :)
kind regards,