I'm still looking for an answer. I found $wgDefaultExternalStore who permit to store data to external store. As i saw in the comments , it has to be like this : $wgDefaultExternalStore = array( 'DB://cluster1', 'DB://cluster2' );
Clusters are configured in $wgExternalServers who is an array of cluster :
$wgExternalServers = array( 'cluster1' => array( 'srv28', 'srv29', 'srv30' ) );
So if i found how to set correctly srv28 of the example to point mysql db, the problem would be solved. As anyone an idea?
Regards, Nicolas
2008/5/31 Nicolas Forget nforget@gmail.com:
My wiki (wikignole.be) has a limited db (max 45 MB). At the moment, the db is almost full (44mo). So i have to reduce it. I tried to compress the old revisions but i didn't earn a lot of storage. The best solution would be to split the db on two or three different databases. I found this page http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgDefaultExternalStore who seem to be a solution (the number of bases is not a problem).
I tried to do it (i edited DefaultSettings.php ) but don't succeed to fin the good configuration (i tried login:pass@adress but it failed).
Could someone help me?
Regards, Nicolas