Thanks, Brion...
Before running the web installer, I ran "upgrade1_5.php" from the command line in order to do the db schema upgrade from 1.4 to 1.5. I'm guessing it completed since there were no error messages and I have all of the "new" tables in the db. The portion of the script that renames "table_temp" to "table" ran. But tables that have "_old" appended to the name and other tables that are now obsolete, like "user_rights", were not dropped.
I'd just like to confirm that the tables that appear in a clean install of the latest version (1.8.2) are the only tables that need to be in upgraded versions as well. They are:
archive categorylinks externallinks filearchive hitcounter image imagelinks interwiki ipblocks job langlinks logging math objectcache oldimage page pagelinks querycache querycache_info recentchanges revision searchindex site_stats templatelinks text trackbacks transcache user user_groups user_newtalk watchlist
Thanks much,
Tricia Barden