Hi, I have searched the archives and could not find a resolution to the following issue:
The printable page for all my articles where I format external links does not format as I would like it to.
For example, if I include the following wiki markup:
Click [http://www.big.long.complicated.URL?on=the&net=with%20lots%20of&Post... HERE]
it looks like this in my article:
Click HERE
but, when I try to print it... looks more like this:
Click HERE (http://www.big.long.complicated.URL?on=the&net=with%20lots%20of&Post...)
My suspicion is..., that it was purposely decided to behave this way so that a hard-copy would not loose any embedded information (Simple "Click HERE" looses its meaning on a print out).
However, I am hoping that there is a way to control this behavior? please advise...
fyi, I am stuck with mediawiki v1.6.10. Thanks! - rich (revansx)