Fernando Correia wrote :
Our users are annoyed with the successful login confimation page. They are demanding that instead of showing the page and forcing them to click on the link or wait 10 seconds, the target page be displayed. This way, response time will improve and so will usability.
I'd like some help, if possible, on a way to make the output of a page go to $wgOut, but following all steps that would be followed if the page were served normally. I mean, without taking some shortcuts that might make it to parse differently.
I would change function successfulLogin() in SpecialUserlogin.
Now it calls, among other things:
$wgOut->returnToMain( $auto, $this->mReturnTo );
I'd like to change this to put into $wgOut the correct output for the page with the title $this->mReturnTo.
Open includes/OutputPage.php and find the function returnToMain
change the line :
if ( $auto ) { $wgOut->redirect( $titleObj->escapeFullURL() ); /*$wgOut->addMeta( 'http:Refresh', '10;url=' . $titleObj->escapeFullURL() );*/ }
you can also simply reduce the waiting time (10 sec) by changing the value in $wgOut->addMeta( 'http:Refresh', '10;url=' . $titleObj->escapeFullURL() );