Hi all,
I'm trying to install the source extension GeSHi extension (as suggested by in a previous discussion) and this is the first time for me for installing extensions. I've found out that things seem to be a bit different for Debian and I haven't turned up any information yet through Google.
The installation instructions were here:
and for example, I installed the php-geshi Debian package via apt-get, and everything seems installed ok...but there is no file or directory that resembles "SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi". There also doesn't seem to be an "svn" program. However, there is a geshi.php and adding a "require_once ('path/to/geshi.php');" to LocalSettings.php doesn't seem to be enough...or at least, that didn't work.
In /etc/mediawiki-extensions/extensions-available, I have geshi.php. I added a symlink from /etc/media-extensions/extensions-enabled to it -- that doesn't seem to help...I'm still missing something.
Anyone have any ideas or know of the standard procedure of installing extensions for MediaWiki. I looked at the top of geshi.php and noticed this:
<?php # Debian version of geshi syntax highlighting. # You need the php-geshi package to make use of it...
makes me think that there is something Debian-specific to the installation process...
Thank you!