Hello all,
I want to install mediawiki on a site I manage. I am pretty sure about most of the steps but I really want to ask a few questions and get some guidance before I break things.
As I understand it, there is only one mysql database on the site I can use and it currently has a wordpress blog installation.
I have mediawiki-1.13.3.tar.gz downloaded to the server but not yet unzipped. I also have a sql dump from a old mediawiki install that existed on another server. I cannot tell the version of mediawiki from the dump, as far as I can tell. Perhaps someone can tell me where to look. I know it is old as it would be impossible for me to install on the old server because of the php version (4.x).
The versions of php and mysql on the new server are as follows:
PHP 5.2.1 (cli) (built: Jul 23 2008 05:57:56) Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Zend Technologies
mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.38, for pc-linux-gnu (i486) using readline 5.2
I am not certain, but as I mentioned before I believe I have to use the one db I currently have. Having only a little db experience, I might be mistaken about databases and tables. As I understand it, I have one db and can create more tables in that db.
Here are the steps I know about concerning the install:
* unpack the tarball to
chmod 755 $HOME/public_html/<MediaWiki-folder>/config
* run the browser-based script at
* fill in the fields in the form
Database host: localhost Database name: same as account name DB username: same as account name DB password: see host-details.txt on HDD Superuser details: leave as-is DB Table Prefix: <wikiname_> DB Port: leave as-is Schema: leave as-is DB Character set: UTF-8
* Move files
mv LocalSettings.php $HOME/public_html/<MediaWiki-folder>/ chmod 600 LocalSettings.php
chown is unnecessary, I believe, since the creator/owner of the site are the same person. Am I wrong?
rm -rf config/
* restore old DB
This is really where I have some problems. I know the commands necessary to restore the db
mysql -p <dbname> < dump.sql
but the names of the tables and the db are not the same as they need to be on the new installation. Changing the name of the db in the dump file should not b a problem as far as I can see, but the table names could be problematic. Will I have to do a search and replace of the table names in the dump file to make them correspond to what I need them to be e.g. <wikiname_><tablename>? Considering this is a 75MB file with over 90K lines, surely there must be a better way.
Sorry this has been so long and thanks for reading this far. Any more information I'll be happy to provide. Links to relevant documentation is always appreciated.
Thanks for your help, rdc