OIC. After I sent that message I wondered if maybe he'd just mashed up the subject line, because all the messages from the list show as "from" the individual user.
----- Original Message ----- From: Huib Laurens sterkebak@gmail.com To: MediaWiki announcements and site admin list mediawiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 13:09:01 +0100 Subject: Re: [Mediawiki-l] EDGAR POE
He is now on moderation. He was removed from the list but added himself again.
2011/2/2 Steve VanSlyck s.vanslyck@spamcop.net
WHY is this person still permitted to post to thie list?!
On 1/31/2011 20.18, Edgar Poe wrote: [redacted]