Pe 06.12.2009 13:04, a scris:
I'am running MediaWiki 1.15.1 and i have a strange problem in browsers Firefox and IE7 and 8.
URI: index.php?title=-&action=raw&gen=js&useskin=monobook
Line 1 is<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
All page is render ok, but the messege in IE is disturbing.
The page index.php?title=-&action=raw&gen=js&useskin=monobook shouldn't begin like that (html) but be javascript code.
Which page content is there?
In a test server ai install mediawiki from svn but same problem. In version 1.16 i don't have this error, but my custom skin have a lot problems.
Thank you, Geo
This error appear in all content. I saw what is wrong:
In my LocalSettings.php i have restrictions for user *. This means no one can see the content without being logged. I need this , so how can i enable this future without this error appear?
Thank you, Geo