Hi, until I made an upgrade from 1.15.1 (applied the 15.2,3 and 4 patches) I was happily editing my wiki pages with gnu emacs via ee.pl and a bookmarklet that goes: javascript:location=location+'?action=edit&externaledit=true';
Now, external editing is broken I and I suspect that this is related to (bug 23076) Fixed login CSRF vulnerability. Logins now require a token to be submitted along with the user name and password. Patch by Roan Kattouw.
Any ideas on what I could/should do to get TRUE external editing back ? I don't mind installing stuff. I am not much of a programmer/sysadmin, but I can read :)
I don't want to use something like "It's all text" since it's not practical to edit several wiki pages at the same time and having to keep several browser tabs open just for saving. (I do this at home on a windows box and it's a pain).
- thanx for any help / insight ! - Daniel
PS: Of course I am not sure about the cause, but in my case identification of the problem (upgrading) is really simple. I got two wikis on the same machine: The 1.15.4 one (http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/) is broken and the 1.15.1 one (http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/fr/) works just fine.