From: "Myria"
Steven Hilton wrote:
On 7/19/05, Jan Steinman wrote:
With all due respect to the work you have done, I believe spell checking is the domain of the client.
On Safari (MacOS X) at least, client-side interactive spell checking works great with MediaWiki. Does it not in other browers/OSs?
The problem, of course, is that exceedingly few Wiki users... are going to be apt to have either product (despite the fact that I list them on my help page).
Mea culpa. <gloat>I just assumed all modern operating systems came off-the-shelf with built-in, system-wide interactive spelling correction that works equally well in all applications. (Except for a few bad Windows ports that ignore system input methods.)</gloat>
(Every time I even think about trying Windows or Linux, something like this reminds me why I use a Mac.)
I'm really at a loss as to why -- aside from the seemingly inevitable naysaying so common to this list -- a server-side spell checker is such a bad idea.
Sorry, I did not mean ot be a nay-sayer. It was simply superfluous to me. I now know why others need such a thing.
:::: How many people did YOU starve today? :::: Driving 4 miles in a 20 mpg vehicle is the energy-equivalent of over 2 loaves of bread. -- David Pimentel, Cornell University :::: Jan Steinman