Tim - FWIW
I function as the webmaster-cum-OS sysadmin for the Wikispooks project wiki which runs on a Centos 7 VPS
I entered 'hard' for the php upgrade difficulty because of a disastrous experience a few years ago. I cannot remember the detail of the php releases concerned but briefly, I upgraded to a version that was not available through either the Centos standard or EPEL repos. I believe the upgrade was prompted by a Mediawiki upgrade from V-16 to 17 or 18. Got it all working OK but all sorts of problems, clearly related to the upgrade, followed. Attempting to fix them eventually ended with my having to re-commission the server pretty much from scratch. My lack of professional Linux sysadmin experience was undoubtedly to blame but the lesson I took away - and which I will not lightly override - is that, for near-core OS components - ie php and a few others - do NOT install anything that is not included in the standard and/or EPEL repos unless absolutely forced to.
I doubt I am alone in that stance.
Current Centos 7 EPEL repo php version is 5.4.16
Peter Presland
On 04/12/2015 01:25, Tim Starling wrote:
If you manage a MediaWiki instance, please tell us what PHP version you use, and some other relevant information, by filling out this form:
You may have seen on wikitech-l that there is some controversy over whether we should require PHP 5.5 in the next major release of MediaWiki. I made this little survey in the interests of gathering some extra data to support our decision, beyond what we already have from WikiApiary.
You don't need to log in to fill out the form, and no personal information will be forwarded to us.
-- Tim Starling
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