I'm a little closer to understanding what is going on with my absolute failure to get MediaWiki to respect EasyDNS' domain forwarding. It seems that they use frames. From their website:
This is accomplished by creating a frameset document which specifies an invisible frame to keep the domain name in the location bar, and another frame which occupies the whole screen which the page forwarded to is placed. This has the effect of keeping the domain name in the location bar, no matter what address is forwarded to within the frame. If it doesn't matter to your application that the address shown in the location bar of a visitors browser will always be the same, your domain name, regardless of which page they access, then you can turn stealth on and the only modification you have to make to the html code on your site is that if you have links to other websites outside of your own site, make sure your links look like this: <a href="http://www.anothersite.com" target="_top">
Now, my problem isn't one of getting the outside links to work, although that would be nice. (Movable Type seems able to support this.) But rather, I think the .htaccess file I am using to clean up the domain names is perhaps breaking the frame?
Also, I was able to figure something out:
This does not work: RewriteCond %{REQIEST_URI} ^something.org RewriteRule ^(.*) some.org$1
This does: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^wiki.oxusnet.net RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://wiki.oxus.net/$1 [L]
However, it creates an infinite loop for me, between the EasyDNS forwarding and the redirect, so the page never, ever loads!
This may be hopeless, but if anyone has any ideas let me know! I really, really, want to fix this!