On Mon, 16 Apr 2007 15:44:47 -0500 "Lane, Ryan" Ryan.Lane@ocean.navo.navy.mil wrote:
We have written a MediaWiki extension for Krb5 Single Sign-On (SSO) that uses our Plexcel PHP extension. I have created an extension page in the usual way:
The extension works great but we had to add the AuthPlugin initialization to includes/Setup.php. We feel this procedure is sub-optimal so I would like to explain why this was necessary hoping that a future version of MediaWiki might improve this use-case (or at least no break it).
Is it not possible to use the auto-authentication hook, or is the hook called too late?
I'm not sure about the timing, it might be ok. But I could never figure out how to set the user's information. I had to make an entirely new User object and set it to $wgUser. Actually I remember now that that is why I had to initialize *after* $wgUser = new StubUser; because that statement would overwrite the $wgUser value.
But let's explore the AutoAuthenticate hook again. If I make a plugin roughly like the following:
class PlexcelAuth extends AuthPlugin {
function PlexcelAuth() { // other stuff $wgHooks['AutoAuthenticate'][] = array($this, 'authenticateSso'); }
function authenticateSso($user) { // do sso if (sso_is_successful) { $user->mName = $acct['sAMAccountName']; return; } } }
The user's name is never acknowledged. Even though the user is passed by reference it seems I'm doing something wrong. I'm a lot better at C than I am at PHP. How am I supposed to be setting the user's information?
Currently, in the non-AutoAuthenticate version I have the following which is invoked manually from within includes/Setup.php:
function authenticateSso($user) { // do sso if (sso_is_successful) { global $wgUser;
$wgUser = User::newFromName($this->acct['sAMAccountName']); if ($wgUser->idForName() == 0) { if (isset($this->acct['mail'])) $wgUser->mEmail = $this->acct['mail']; if (isset($this->acct['displayName'])) $wgUser->mRealName = $this->acct['displayName']; $wgUser->addToDatabase(); $wgUser->setToken(); }
plexcel_log(3, 'MediaWiki: SSO successful: ' . $wgUser->getName()); return;
How do I do this using AutoAuthenticate and the supplied user?