I am trying to install MediaWiki for our website on our university server. They are running PHP 5.2.6 and it appears that everything else meets the requirements listed here http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Installation
I successfully copied and extracted the files to our directory and renamed the folder mw. Afterwards I ran "chmod a+w config" and doubled checked that it now has the correct permissions.
Next I go to mw/config/index.php and get the following :
MediaWiki 1.14.0 Installation Can't write config file, aborting
In order to configure the wiki you have to make the config subdirectory writable by the web server. Once configuration is done you'll move the created LocalSettings.php to the parent directory, and for added safety you can then remove the config subdirectory entirely.
To make the directory writable on a Unix/Linux system:
cd */path/to/wiki* chmod a+w config Afterwards retry to start the setuphttp://oregonstate.edu/groups/mathclub/mw/config/index.php .
Am I overlooking an obvious step? Or what do I need from my server admins to make this work?
Thanks for your time!