Try to comment out every single line of the function by adding an # at the beginning of the line.
I've found that sometimes commenting out more than one line by putting /* at the beginning and */ at the end didn't work properly. If you have an editor with syntax-highlighting you should be able to see if the comment works the way you want it...
I tried to do it, this is the final code: function getHTML() { #global $wgOut, $wgCategoryMagicGallery, $wgCategoryPagingLimit; #wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
#$this->showGallery = $wgCategoryMagicGallery && !$wgOut->mNoGallery;
#$this->clearCategoryState(); #$this->doCategoryQuery(); #$this->finaliseCategoryState();
#$r = $this->getCategoryTop() . # $this->getSubcategorySection() . # $this->getPagesSection() . # $this->getImageSection() . # $this->getCategoryBottom();
#wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); #return $r; }
The problem continues, i know that isn't from cache because i disabled it and reload the pages cleaning ie and firefox cache. I'm using Dreamweaver and all shows fine, i tried to comment another parts and can disable the lists but not the articles quantity headers and titles of the list, only hidden the <ul><li> code with his results. Its some extension to do that?? Thankyou