On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 05:22:32PM -0500, Amruta Lonkar wrote:
I am using the following code to create pages in a given namespace and am passing some text as links, and i want them to be shown as links however the mediawiki code is not parsing the <a href></a> tags. Is there some other wau to do this?
function createWikiPage($pageTitle,$pageText,$refid) { $pageText = $pageText."<h1>".text."</h1>"."<a href=some http>".text."</a>";
$dbw =& wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
//Process each message $title = new Title(); $title = $title->newFromText($pageTitle,102);
$article = new Article($title); $newid = $article->insertOn($dbw);
$revision = new Revision(array('page' => $newid, 'text' => $pageText, 'user' => 0, 'user_text' =>"This page automatically created by "._FILE_,'comment' => '')); $revid = $revision->insertOn($dbw); $article->updateRevisionOn($dbw,$revision); $dbw->commit();
You are creating new _Wiki_ text articles using these functions. HTML is not Wiki text. You can just use normal Wiki syntax, like [[myinternallink foo]] or [myexternallink bar].
Its also a good idea to check the return status of some functions (and report it when problems do happen), eg:
$ok = $article->updateRevisionOn( $dbw, $revision );
if( !$ok ) { $dbw->rollback(); // report problem } } else { ... $dbw->commit(); }
Jama Poulsen