On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 18:13:10 -0700 "matt bravo" mbravo53@gmail.com wrote:
Hello all,
I have Media wiki setup and have been using it to collaborate for a few months now and I love it.
We have noticed that we tend to create pages that very similar in form (like section headings, initial content, etc..) and organization.
Is there a way to create a php page that has some built in template features like maybe drop downs of section heading options and some default text so that when we want to create a new wiki page we can just go to this page, enter the title and make a few selections and it creates a new wiki page when submitted?
I assume there must be a way to hook into the php functions that handle new page creation, anyone ever done anything like this?
Thanks in advance, matt
Hi Matt,
Have you heard anything or figured out anything on this yet?