"Platonides" wrote in message news:gl8b4e$t4$1@ger.gmane.org...
Jim wrote:
I'm trying to setup external authentication with MediaWiki. I've gone over http://wiki.case.edu/CaseWiki:External_Authentication time and time again but it's not exactly clear. Do I need to do only pieces of it? Everything? I'm just not following. SO, I'm hoping someone can spell it out for me.
Let's say I have a PHP script (lets call it ourmethod.php) that puts up a web page and authenticates a user using our method. Exactly how do I get MediaWiki to display ourmethod.php for the login
You still use MediaWiki login to get the user and password. On http://wiki.case.edu/CaseWiki:External_Authentication they use mod_reqrite to send you to another page. You may be able to make Special:UserLogin more like ourmethod.php with some hook.
and what exactly do I need to do to ourmethod.php to have it tell MediaWiki "this guys ok"?
return true from the authenticate() method.
That's just it, I can't use the MediaWiki login to get the userid/pw. I need to be able to redirect to a page that uses it's own method of input for that data. Reading http://wiki.case.edu/CaseWiki:External_Authentication makes it sound possible, but it reads as though they're covering multiple methods and do a poor job of distinguishing which to-do's are for which method.