On 23 Apr 2005, at 01:57, Dorthe Luebbert wrote:
is it possible to protect the image directory (the directory where the uploaded files are stored) from outside access? I don't want (now) that the following links work when accessed by users not logged in:
Media:something.pdf image:something.pdf
The links go to http://mywiki.de/wiki/images/5/57/something.pdf http://mywiki.de/wiki/Bild:somthing.pdf
Did I miss any configure option?
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. If you upload the files, and don't want people to access them, why did you upload them?
In order to accomplish upload, the /images directory must be writable by the httpd process. (Although, at least in 1.4b5, MediaWiki is making subdirectories that are world-writable, which is a no-no.)
:::: I think I'll become a Unitarian -- I've always been fond of the metric system. :::: Jan Steinman, http://www.Bytesmiths.com/Item/99AG24