Just increase max memory in php.ini in your apache directory. We use 50 MB You will also need to restart Apache.
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 11:25 AM, ruud habets ruud@habets.info wrote:
All of a sudden (isn't that usually the case) I cannot create PNG and JPG thumbnails in my 1.15.3 Wiki site. LocalSettings contains: $wgUseImageMagick = true; $wgImageMagickConvertCommand = "/usr/lib/typo3/ImageMagick4/convert "; $wgThumbnailEpoch = "20100504083806";
The second command was instructed by my hosting provider webreus.nl.
Starting a few days ago (not changing anything worth mentioning, I think) I get these errors: http://www.kgv.nl/wiki/index.php?title=Categorie:Afbeelding.GeenPD
Does anyone know where to look to solve this? Is it file rights? Is it not finding the convert command? Is it .....?
Does anyone have an idea where to look.
PS In the meantime my provider has raised the limit on script memory trying to solve the problem, I am testing this .....
grtz ruud
Ruud Habets mail ruud@habets.info www http://www.habets.info tel. 045-5418899 (p) tel. 0650-844386 (m) tel. 045-4006037 (w1) tel. 045-5602554 (w2)
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