Didier Houbrechts wrote:
Thank you Courtney ! I had already seen these pages ... I found where is the mistake ! When I exported the pages from Mediawiki, I didn't look at ... I tried again today and found that there were differences between my import and the mediawiki's pages !!! I don't know if it is comming from the export function or the import function but some "<" and">" disappeared !!!!!!! I changed everything by copy/paste from Mediawiki edit to my pages edit and everything is ok now !!!!
Thanks again for your answer !
Didier Houbrechts http://www.aena.be http://dhvg.ckcs-kcs.dyndns.org (online pedigrees for Ckcs& Kcs/Ets)
Can you point to a set of <> on a page that disappeared? What did you use to export? What did you use to import?