And now for something completely different. Sean Billig's Wikipedia widget for Mac OS X (see is very cool. I'm trying to modify it to read my own wiki (http://, which is MediaWiki v 1.5.7), and am having a problem.
I can search for an article on my wiki with the modified widget and retrieve the article ok, but when I click on an internal link in that article (for example [[Washington Post]]) I get an error like the following:
There is no page titled ":Washington Post?dkuser dkosopedia session=a5b3e0d963ea0fe29c9f8bc319743992".
where "dkuser" is the name of the account owning the wiki. Clicking external links (for example []) work correctly (they open in Safari).
Obviously something is adding dkuser_dkosopedia_session to the query string and I'm sure there's a very simple explanation, but it's beyond me.
A possible clue... Note the ":" first character in the error message. Internal links to pages with something in front of the ":" ([Special:Recentchanges]) DO work ok.