sebastian n/a wrote:
At the end of the errorcode following line seems to be of importance.
Parser::replaceLinkHolders(the first part changes depending on what page I go, but the rest of the error code stays the same)". MySQL meldete den Fehler "1030: Got error 127 from table handler (localhost)".
Could this be of any help?
I still didn´t really figure out which table(s) might be broken, this way leaving me in the dark where to apply the 'repair table' command.
Just run it on all the tables. If you don't have shell access to the MySQL interpreter, use phpMyAdmin or whatever control panel your provider provides for you.
How can I execute the 'perror' command?
At a shell, like any other program:
$ perror 127 Error code 127: Unknown error: 127 127 = Record-file is crashed
-- brion vibber (brion @