Hi, I've searched rather far and wide for an example configuration of a single topic wiki with a number of languages, but haven't found anything other than a few disparate suggestions of how to go about implementing it using the existing version of mediawiki. The general requirements are: - Like wikipedia, language in indicated in the domain name (e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/, http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/, etc). - The user database is shared among all language wikis, but articles are not. Images/media are shared. - The code is not duplicated in multiple folders. Symbolic linking is okay. I have a partially-working setup I've hacked together myself that uses symbolic links, some mod_rewrite magic, multiple LocalSettings.php files, and a separate database for each language with the user tables (user, user_groups, user_newtalk, watchlist) federated to a single database. However, I'm interested in seeing how other people have done it. Would anyone care to share their configuration, or point to a online reference I may have missed? Thanks and Happy New Year, Garth