I want to insert an interwiki link to another language. I created a new interwiki link in the DB. When I insert [[fr:My article]] in an article and save it I get the following error :
*Fatal error*: Trying to clone an uncloneable object of class DBQueryError in */includes/Exception.php* on line *202*
Strangly the preview works well, I have a new link in the "In other languages" panel. I get the same error with different language codes.
Any idea ? Thanks. Jej
============== * MediaWiki: 1.8.2 * PHP: 5.0.5-Debian-0.8~sarge1 (apache) * MySQL: 4.0.24_Debian-10sarge2-log * Extensions: o Extension functions: + wfNiceCategoryList o Parser extension tags: + <ncl> and <pre> o Parser function hooks: + int, ns, urlencode, lcfirst, ucfirst, lc, uc, localurl, localurle, fullurl, fullurle, formatnum, grammar, plural, numberofpages, numberofusers, numberofarticles, numberoffiles, numberofadmins, language, padleft, padright and anchorencode ==============